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Humanity 8 Charitable Organization 

Policies & Work Ethics.  2024.


     The following policies are designed to achieve a functional and efficiently run organization to meet all of its successes.


     All directors, managers and volunteers must be in acceptance and adhere to the policies of this entire document.  The rules and regulation set herein are effective immediately on April 19, 2024 and onward until such otherwise notice.  This document will remain active as long as the organization exists.


     All questions, or concerns about this document can be addressed in writing to and will be taken with serious and respectful consideration.  We will reply within 24 hours.




  1. When a brother or sister asks something of you lend them your support.  Unless it is physically impossible. 

  2. Be respectful to all members.  They are your brothers and sisters.

  3. Do not take part in gossip about another member, or anyone else in the community.

  4. Do not interrupt another member when they are engaged in conversation.  

  5. When group members meet, do not speak and interrupt another member.  Wait quietly and respectfully for your turn to speak.

  6. We must always support our brothers and sisters whenever it is needed.

  7. Always encourage newcomers to support our club.

  8. Full members must attend 8 meetings per calendar year, but may not attend all events.

  9. Only counsel members can speak to the press and take part in recruitment.

  10. When you become a full member you must pay your yearly club due.  If you cannot fulfill club duties, then you must give back your free membership clothing you received as part of full membership.



   2. Advancement:


     How advancement works is that, when a team leader is assigned to manage a group and that team lead performs beyond expectations.  When there is enough club revenue left over then that team lead can, or may be advanced to a salary paid management position, provided the position is available.  It is the team leads best interest to have their team of volunteers excel.


   3. Evaluation:


  1. All volunteers, directors and managers will be subjected to a quarterly evaluation.

  2. If the quarterly evaluation comes up when a volunteer, manager, or director has recently started service with Humanity 8 charitable organization, it will be understood that the evaluation may not be fully accurate due to the time limitation.

  3. There will be an understanding of wherever there is a lacking performance that the volunteer, manager, or director of Humanity 8 charitable organization will agree to show improvement and may need to show a written explanation on how they intend to improve going forward.

  4. When severe enough, a poor evaluation, or series of them may lead to a demotion to another position within Humanity 8 charitable organization, or termination of their service to the charitable organization mentioned herein.​​


  5. Yearly Contributions:


     All club yearly fees go towards the clubs operations. 


 6. Criminal Checks:


  1. After a volunteer/Director fills out our online application within 5 days a criminal record check must be either purchased on our online volunteer application, or at your local police station.  Once you pay the fee to retain a criminal check record and change your mind later, there will be a 5% rebate charge upon receiving your refund.  This is to ensure the safety of our members within the organization and the handling of sensitive information and money from donations.  Without a criminal check done you cannot remain as a volunteer, manager, or director. 

  2.  Both parts of the online volunteer application must be completed and an updated criminal check record must be purchased from the online volunteer application form.  If the online form is not completely completed and the criminal record check not purchased within 5 days from the date you start the online application form, applicants will have to re-apply for their positions.​


 CNotice:  Humanity 8 reserves the right to amend, change, edit, remove existing policies, amendments or add additional aforementioned policies and amendments to the document written herein.

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